Monday, August 2, 2010

Gay Rights

Just what does gay rights mean? I didn’t know they needed other rights than normal people. Of course, I don’t understand most straight people’s aversion to gay relationships. How about if all people had the SAME rights? The thing that makes me a Libertarian is that I don’t believe the government OR others should infringe on an individual’s rights. It is NOT MY RIGHT to tell others what they can or can’t do, as long se what they are doing doesn’t infringe on my rights. Of course, it’s not my right to tell people they have to be tolerant of others, either. There are some things where I’m not tolerant but don’t think we need government regulation to fix. I have friends that are not tolerant of gay marriage and that’s fine… but they have no right to infringe on the rights of those that are gay. Does that make sense?

Obama Corruption

The corruption President Obama and the Democratic party has brought to our government is at a new level for politics. Starting with the election he stole from Hillary Clinton and Al Frankin’s election won by dead people, we are off to a good start. THEN… he raises the bar by appointing some of the most corrupt people imaginable.

Starting with tax cheats – these are the people who say they need to raise YOUR taxes so that others can be provided for. This includes illegal aliens and people who would rather get a welfare check than a paycheck. These people want to raise YOUR taxes, but don’t want to raise their own taxes.

Charlie Rangel, tax cheat for years and years. Rental scams, tax scams… this guy knows no limits to his dishonesty.

John Kerry – Implemented laws to close loopholes of people who get around taxes, he bought a $7mm yacht, only to store and register it in Rhode Island. He evaded $500k in taxes.

TImothy Geitner – the Obama-appointed head of the Federal Reserve can’t even remember to pay his taxes. Or can he?

Tom Daschle – Another tax cheat. There are many more of these in Obama’s administration.

After we look at the tax cheats appointed to Obama, let’s look at his dedication to our democracy. At every turn he has undermined the will of the American people. He jammed Obama care down our throats. He has done everything possible to encourage illegal immigration (this is no surprise – he seems to like breaking the law), he has crippled the Gulf Coast workers further by repeatedly trying to impose a moratorium on drilling, despite what the courts have said (he doesn’t care about our legal system). He has circumvented Congress with his Czar appointees. His DOJ appointee Eric Holder has declined to proceed with charges against voter intimidation cases because the perpetrators were black and the complainants were white (of course, I think it’s just because the voter intimidation was for him. I think if the voters were intimidated for voting for the other candidate, things would have been different). He has called police officers stupid for doing their jobs.

He has broken almost every promise made.

  • The health care plan would save money
  • Taxes would not be raised on anyone making under $250k
  • He would have a transparent administration
  • His administration would clean up politics and be the epitome of ethics.

So… welcome to the Obama administration. God help us.